Spawn DC-ed on us during APQ and we END up as lightbulbs or BIGGER LAMP-POST!
Saturday, March 15, 2008 / 2:05 AM
Funny Selamat Video
Saturday, March 08, 2008 / 11:40 PM
A Recount of My Escape
Monday, March 03, 2008 / 11:26 PM
NOTE: This post is entirely satirical. Any coincident with how Mas Salamat Kastari really escape is highly improbable and merely a coincident.

I am Mass Selamat KasHari Raya . My dream was to fly an airplane into Changi Airport and see which one would suffer more damage. I mean, I have always been a fan of nice cutie explosions that causes lots of damage, making alot of those golden hair ang mohs die along with alot of fake golden hair fake ang moh singaporeans die. I mean, just look at my hair. This is how people should maintain their hair.
also like planes. I love flights. And I heard there is a Singapore Airshow coming up! I want to visit it and fly the exhibits there so that they crash everywhere! It so fun! Sadly I was living in Whitely Estate and having a bad diarrhea so they wouldn’t let me out to watch the planes. Luckily my shit is acidic, and my constant bombardment of my toilet bowl allows a huge hole to slowly form at the bottom of the bowl. I know the toilet bowl smells like shit, but it also smells like freedom.
So 2 days ago I called my little children and ask them to visit me so that I can escape. I know little children know that “Open Sesame” is a magical word that gives Aladdin access to riches. The magical word for my escape is “May I go toilet please?” I chanted that and disappeared into the toilet bowl into a whole new world, like how someone stepped into Narnia through a dusty old closet.

Singapore’s sewage system seems to be as inefficient as their public transport. I spent a full hour waddling in shit only to find myself in another toilet bowl… of Singapore Chinese Girls’ School. I locked the toilet and took a quick bath in there. Then when a little girl came in and wanted to use the toilet, I took the opportunity to strip her. I mean, not to molest her or rape her. I am a man of honor. I would prefer the consummation of A380 and Changi Airport over me and a little Chinese girl. I stripped her only to take her uniform and use it as a disguise to escape. I mean, with my short height, I can easily pass myself off as any other secondary school student.

You must have heard about someone seeing someone climbing into someone’s house near my place of escape. And when the police turned up their couldn’t find anything. Well, that was me.
That was me.
Believe it. Please!
Ok ok.. I know you won’t believe me if I did not provide any valid reason. I know my SCGS disguise won’t get me far, so I had to get a new disguise. And where is better than a civilian house? Granted, the house I visited isn’t exactly neat, with condoms and porn magazines all over the place, as well as a stupid puppy that I had for my dinner, it provided me with 2 very important things to aid my escape. The EZ-Link card and a new set of clothes.
I exited the house even before the police came, and walked happily to the bus stop across the bridge without any of the police or MP even raising an eyebrown. I mean, I am a master of disguise!

Finally, from the bus stop, I took a bus using my EZ-Link card to Escape Theme Park.
Note: Original photos copyright of their respective owners. Related thread on Hardwarezone -Weikiat
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Sunday, March 02, 2008 / 11:19 PM
Reminiscent of all the heavens ever heard, the iridescent stretch of colours unveils the splendor behind it
a stairway to heaven.
The steps were seamless to the sky, but we all know it must lead to a resplendent paradise, one so bright that outshines the others.
Fairies stood sentinel at the gates, and sometimes laughters like a sparkling glissando can be heard.
This is a gift that you been waiting for
Rainine, MageM4ster, Arcanespawn, ruixiang88, happygal, Aquarella, MySpearPokeU, Chiquinho, DeadlyStars, limogalz, woaiakira, LovelyBishop
Rules (Deactivated At The Moment)
rule #1Do log in regularly, at least once a month so that we will know that you're still alive.
rule #2Begging/Lending for items/mesos is strictly not tolerated. The guild is not a charity organisation or ATM
rule #3People who frequently uses vulgarities/dirty languages will be given warnings, subsequent warnings may lead to expelling so please refrain from using vulgarities.
rule #4Spamming, scamming and harrassing member in the guild are strictly prohibited.
rule #5Respect your fellow guildmates.
rule #6Do not ask for position especially jr position, you will never get it if you do so.
rule #7Map raiders and ks war starters are not tolerated, he/she will be kicked without notice.
rule #8Do not expect us to come anytime to aid you in a ks war. We all need to train or location will be too far away from you.
rule #9Do not provoke/insult any other guilds which might results in guild wars.
rule #10Do not treat NinthHeaven as a come and go guild. If you quit constantly and treat this like an airport, we won't even bother to add you back.
rule #11Betraying/Making use of members will be expelled without any warning given. (e.g. using guildmate as pq track)
rule #12Only one character per person is allowed in the guild. Multiple characters will be expelled upon knowledge, unless for special reasons.
*Warnings will be given in forms of dropping of ranks (which may results in expelling) or verbally
**Rules are subject to change anytime without prior notice.
Spawn DC-ed on us during APQ and we END up as lightbulbs or BIGGER LAMP-POST!
Saturday, March 15, 2008 / 2:05 AM
Funny Selamat Video
Saturday, March 08, 2008 / 11:40 PM
A Recount of My Escape
Monday, March 03, 2008 / 11:26 PM
NOTE: This post is entirely satirical. Any coincident with how Mas Salamat Kastari really escape is highly improbable and merely a coincident.

I am Mass Selamat KasHari Raya . My dream was to fly an airplane into Changi Airport and see which one would suffer more damage. I mean, I have always been a fan of nice cutie explosions that causes lots of damage, making alot of those golden hair ang mohs die along with alot of fake golden hair fake ang moh singaporeans die. I mean, just look at my hair. This is how people should maintain their hair.
also like planes. I love flights. And I heard there is a Singapore Airshow coming up! I want to visit it and fly the exhibits there so that they crash everywhere! It so fun! Sadly I was living in Whitely Estate and having a bad diarrhea so they wouldn’t let me out to watch the planes. Luckily my shit is acidic, and my constant bombardment of my toilet bowl allows a huge hole to slowly form at the bottom of the bowl. I know the toilet bowl smells like shit, but it also smells like freedom.
So 2 days ago I called my little children and ask them to visit me so that I can escape. I know little children know that “Open Sesame” is a magical word that gives Aladdin access to riches. The magical word for my escape is “May I go toilet please?” I chanted that and disappeared into the toilet bowl into a whole new world, like how someone stepped into Narnia through a dusty old closet.

Singapore’s sewage system seems to be as inefficient as their public transport. I spent a full hour waddling in shit only to find myself in another toilet bowl… of Singapore Chinese Girls’ School. I locked the toilet and took a quick bath in there. Then when a little girl came in and wanted to use the toilet, I took the opportunity to strip her. I mean, not to molest her or rape her. I am a man of honor. I would prefer the consummation of A380 and Changi Airport over me and a little Chinese girl. I stripped her only to take her uniform and use it as a disguise to escape. I mean, with my short height, I can easily pass myself off as any other secondary school student.

You must have heard about someone seeing someone climbing into someone’s house near my place of escape. And when the police turned up their couldn’t find anything. Well, that was me.
That was me.
Believe it. Please!
Ok ok.. I know you won’t believe me if I did not provide any valid reason. I know my SCGS disguise won’t get me far, so I had to get a new disguise. And where is better than a civilian house? Granted, the house I visited isn’t exactly neat, with condoms and porn magazines all over the place, as well as a stupid puppy that I had for my dinner, it provided me with 2 very important things to aid my escape. The EZ-Link card and a new set of clothes.
I exited the house even before the police came, and walked happily to the bus stop across the bridge without any of the police or MP even raising an eyebrown. I mean, I am a master of disguise!

Finally, from the bus stop, I took a bus using my EZ-Link card to Escape Theme Park.
Note: Original photos copyright of their respective owners. Related thread on Hardwarezone -Weikiat
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Sunday, March 02, 2008 / 11:19 PM
Scream to heaven!